
by Jelpen



A support tool for orders, deviations & leave applications that simplifies everyday life for the company!Jelpen facilitates the reporting of data and data for your companys improvement work through its simple design and its intuitive mobile phone app.Make it easy for your staff to report events, incidents or accidents in the business with a few simple keystrokes and in a few seconds. Avoid paperwork by gathering everything in the cloud for future printouts of reports, compilations, etc. prior to the companys improvement work.JELPEN also helps to administer the staffs leave applications and gather everything in one place. Go back and see when leave was granted or denied and generate a report before the companys resource planning for the holidays. Maybe your company also has repeat customers who regularly call out your companys services? Then JELPEN is the tool you need. Your customers install JELPEN on their mobile phones and then connect to your companys application, and customers receive follow-up with notices immediately when you update the work order from your side.Does this sound simple? It is easy! JELPEN helps with the boring!